Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My First Christmas!

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a blessed Christmas! Mine was absolutely wonderful! I had a great time with mommy, daddy, Maddi, Kaiser, Auntie Bridget, Mimi and Poppy. I have so many pictures to share, I'm not going to bore you with lots of commentary.

I'll let all the pictures do the storytelling! :-)

Here's me Christmas eve in my new dress daddy bought for me.
He has good taste, don't you think? Despite the FIT I threw when mommy first put it on (it's awfully scratchy), I recovered and was able to pull out a few smiles for pictures.

Mommy and Me!

Auntie Bridget and me!

Mommy, Daddy, and I started a new family tradition...to open one present each on Christmas eve....Here's me opening my very first present!

What they didn't tell me was it will be pajamas every year...this is what I thought about that!

I was happy to see a book as well that daddy will read to me every Christmas eve!


So did mommy! Daddy is a GREAT storyteller!

I was very happy Christmas morning...how could you not be?

Can you believe these were all for ME???
Thanks to all my friends, family, and SANTA! :-)

My first stocking from Santa...filled with SO many goodies!

Which elf is responsible for putting this silly hat in my stocking?

Some of my other gifts...books and DVD from Mimi & Poppy

My dragon from daddy...he sings me songs and tells me "good morning" and "good night" in
English, French, and Spanish! I'm going to be SMART!

My pink monkey blanket from Great Uncle Pat, Great Aunt Barb, Morgan, and Ryan

Tummy time play gym from Great Grandma Ida

Christmas was fun....but I got worn out. This is mommy and me settling down for the night.
I can't believe I'm still wearing that silly hat!

Daddy and me, with a little R & R after Christmas.

Can't say goodbye without sharing my excitement for the VIKINGS making the playoffs!
So sad for uncle Bruce, NY Giants and the Bears :-(

We love you all and hope you have a SAFE, WARM, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

See you in 2009!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'm 6 Weeks Old Today!!!

WOW, does time go by FAST....I have already been in this COLD Minnesota world for 6 weeks! My skin is getting chapped and it takes FOREVER to get out of the house these days (coat, hat, mittens, warm up the car, strap me in...whoops I pooped...unstrap me, unbundle me, change me...bundle me up again, strap me in...waaaaaaaaaa...that took so long now I'm getting hungry... shut off the car, unstrap me, unbundle me....you get the idea I think. Needless to say we are now spending a lot more time in our cozy home, snuggling and looking out at the snow and frozen pond...it is WONDERFUL! Daddy is doing the grocery shopping and running errands a bit more for us now and we sure appreciate it! Mommy is working hard at decorating the house.....we are getting VERY excited for my first Christmas! In the past several weeks I have had MANY "firsts" so thought I would share a few of them with you.
Unfotunately, I don't have a photo to share, but let's start with the first time someone called me a "HE." That very same day someone asked mommy if I was"a boy or a girl?"I was wearing a red sweater with frilly flowers, had a PINK binky in my mouth, was sitting in a PINK carrier, had a PINK monkey rattle and a PINK blanket.....I seriously wonder what is wrong with some people.

Here is mommy and daddy on their first night out without me to dinner and a movie. I had my first babysitter (thank goodness it was gramma Yudy.) I was surprised when they got home early.
Guess they missed me! ;-)

My first time wearing a" 3 month" outfit.
Unfortunately all of those adorable newborn outfits are packed away!
I'm 11 1/2 pounds and atleast 23 1/2 inches(I'm growing too fast to measure!)

My first nap in my very own crib...so what if it was only 10 minutes, I missed mommy!

My first real bath...can I get a good book over here? This is GREAT!

My first visit to see my friends Max & Cooper.
Too bad Cooper was still sleeping and missed out on pictures.
Max is SO sweet! He gave me lots of hugs and told me how beautiful I am!

My first push up!

The first overlay of stencils in my room....yes, mommy is doing them again!

My first 45 minute exercise session. Mommy really knows how to wear a girl out!

My first bad habit....gramma Yudy taught me how to stick out my tongue. I LOVED IT!

We've had a ton of fun over the past few weeks. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the holiday season. Talk to you all soon!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Family Photo

We had a blast when mommy's friend from work came over and we had a REAL photo shoot! What fun! I enjoyed every flash and was a great sport! So was daddy! :-) We'll share more photos when they arrive!