Saturday, August 30, 2008

31 weeks

Well, I am FINALLY getting around to updating everyone on how things are going. I am 31 weeks, 5 days and growing strong! Had my check up last week and all is well. Head down and sunny side up, I am just passing the time until I am ready to join the real world. Just 8 weeks to go!!!! I have been told I measure in at ~16 inches and I'm heading into a growth spurt. I am really starting to wiggle along nicely now, and I can even turn my head from side to side. I am moving my arms, legs, and body am beginning to plump out as fat accumulates underneath my skin. As you can see above, mommy's beginning to plump out as well..hehe.
My new room is FINALLY ready to go....daddy hung my favorite monkey picture last weekend!
My new dresser with MP3 player monkey and baby picture of Maddi :-)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Belly at 29 weeks, 5 days :-)

Look at me now!!! I'm growing steady! Don't have much time to chat, but wanted to share the picture of mommy's tummy, and let you know I passed my latest physical with flying colors. Head down and moving briskly, I am in the perfect position to enter the world in just approximately 10 weeks! WOW!!! :-) For the record, I weighed in at 3 pounds 5 ounces this week. Doctor says I'm "not too big" and I measure just 2 days difference from my due date. I still am scheduled to arrive around Gramma Judy's birthday...October 27th! Hope all are doing well.....more to come soon!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

28 WEEKS!!

How is everyone doing? I'm finally filling you in on what I've been up to lately. At 28 weeks, I now weigh about two and a quarter pounds (about like a chinese cabbage) and measure ~14.5 inches from the top of my head to my heels. I am really starting to wiggle now, pushing mommy's tummy out. I am now blinking my eyes, which are sporting eyelashes. My eyesight is developing, allowing me to see the light that filters in through the womb. I'm also developing billions of neurons in my brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world. (ONLY 11 1/2 more weeks!!!) Thought I'd share the picture of Maddi catching a little snuggle with mommy's belly! I tried to kick her several times, but she didn't even flinch...I think doggie day care wore her out!! :-) I sure can't wait to meet her and Kaiser in person. We will never be bored! I have a check-up next week with a formal ultrasound so mommy, daddy, and doctor can see how I am positioned and check out my movement. I'll keep you posted with my report card!