Saturday, May 16, 2009

I had an adventurous past week!

Mommy, Daddy, and I celebrated Mommy's first Mother's day :-) Then, I took my first airplane ride out to Seattle to accompany gramma Yudy at an angiogram. After a wonderful report from the cardiologist, we could relax and enjoy the week with family. I got SO much attention and had fun! I saw my auntie Kris and Uncle Bruce, spent time with my "nanny Janny," met my great Aunt Kathie, Uncle Mike, and second cousin Laura, and played with Gramma's doggie "Shadow." The highlight of my trip was meeting my Grandpa Jon and his friend Judy:-) He adored me and I was BEAMING when I saw him for the first time! Mommy and I had a wonderful week with family....we sure wish we lived closer!
Me and Grandpa Jon! :-)

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