Monday, May 12, 2008

April 28th: 14 week appointment

April 28th: At exactly 14 weeks, I weighed in at about 1 1/2 ounces and was ~3 1/2 inches long. They say I was about the size of a lemon. Mom and dad saw me move for the first time on ultrasound....they were amazed:-) My tiny fingers were moving and I brought them up to my mouth. I started sucking my thumb this week. Wish the picture was better so you could see my face! Mom saw me and thinks I'm a is convinced I'm a boy. It's my secret for now!

If I cooperate, the secret will be out on June 5th.

Are they buying pink or blue Twins/Mariners outfits???

1 comment:

Gramma Yuudy said...

Hi Baby Fitzgerald. I am so excited to see you on the Blog. Your Mommy is so special to create this Blog for us to check in and see your progress. I can hardly wait to see if it is a pink or blue Mariner's outfit I get to buy.
I Love You Already!
Gramma Yuudy