Mommy and daddy haven't left me alone for one second in the past week, so I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post an update. We've had a WONDERFUL first week at home and boy am I happy to be here! Mommy keeps getting happy tears in her eyes and saying what a gift from God I am...and that I am a true angel. Daddy is just in awe and says I have completely changed his life. Maddi and Kaiser love me to pieces and have listened very well, keeping their distance. I have to admit I'm pretty happy about that...their breath really stinks! I couldn't ask for a better home! Mommy and daddy are so proud and are working hard to get things organized.
There is SO much to catch you up on. Where do I even begin???
Let's start with my last day in the hospital (Nov 4th-election day) and the preparation for my big trip home. This is me, hanging out with mommy and daddy first thing in the morning...
...mommy's had this outfit I'm wearing since long before I was even conceived...hoping and praying that someday I would come along. Well, the day FINALLY arrived....11-2-2008.

We all were a little tired that morning after 2 sleepless nights in the hospital, so Daddy and I snuggled a bit and took a nap while mommy got ready to go.

After a LONG wait in line at the polls, getting gas in the car, and picking up dogs at the kennel...we finally made our trek home.
We settled in very nicely and I slept a full 8 hours the first night, waking up only once for a feeding! I hear this is amazing for a newborn. I'm just trying to catch up on my sleep. :-)
Things are a little more hectic outside here in the real world!

After a full, absolutely heavenly night's sleep, I was bright eyed and bushy tailed my first morning at home. Mommy and daddy even put this picture of me on the wall...I'm so lucky they love me so much!


Mommy realized on the way home from the mall (when I woke up hungry) that it's not that easy to just "whip it out" as they say you can do. That's ok, sucking on her finger bought us a little time. We did stop in a parking lot because I really do get cranky after 4.5 hours of not tummy is still very small and empties quickly!
Once we made it home, and I got fed, daddy and I played with my first doll from Mimi.
My first play time on my tummy! Mommy is already making me work on lifting my head up. Who says having a PT for a mom is fun??? It's hard work!
After a LONG hard week, we are settling down and just resting tonight. We will keep you posted with our new adventures as they come.
Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers!
My first week in this world has been WONDERFUL!
1 comment:
Sammy wanted to tell you that it isn't just you PT mommy that says tummy time is very important. Sammy's 'mamaw' Nancy who was a teacher told him when he was as tiny as you are now that it helped develop your fine motor skills that you are going to need for coloring, cutting and other fun things you are going to do in a few years at school :)
PS. Tell your mommy that it was so GREAT to be able to chat with her this afternoon. We are so excited to hear that things are going so well for you in your new home!
Love - 'Aunt' 2...8 & Sammy
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