Boy, was yesterday a LONG, but very good day! Mommy and I took the trek down to Rochester again for a full day of appointments. We actually started off at the hand surgeon where mommy received a SHOT!!! She has been wearing a funny looking, hard splint on her wrist for 3 weeks since she was diagnosed with "Dequervain's Syndrome"....otherwise known as overuse tendonitis of her thumb extensors. I overheard the doctor also call it "New Mother's Syndrome"as is has to do with how she lifts me and positions me when holding, changing, and feeding. Since the splint hasn't been helpful, the doctor pulled out a HUGE needle and gave her a poke. She didn't even flinch....trying to be brave while I was watching (to prepare me for my immunizations! ) After that fun, we headed to my 4 month check up where they undressed me, weighed me, measured me, put me through some development tests, and then 2 SHOTS...one in each thigh! GRRRRRRRRRRRR......I WAS SO MAD!!!!!!!!!! The good news is they told me I am perfectly on track development wise and am growing strong! I am now 15lbs, 7oz and 25 inches long. This places me in the 82% for weight and 70% for height.
So here comes the REALLY good news. My lungs sounded great with no sign of pneumonia, and my doctor sent us back to see our friend Julie, the Occupational Therapist. I had another swallow study where they watched me eat under X-Ray. Although I am still having some troubles with my coordination, and am no where near perfect, I am doing MUCH better and was cleared to eat regular breast milk....with NO thickener! :-) And, I no longer have to be "paced" where they take the bottle out of my mouth every few seconds. This is a huge relief for me, and whoever has the pleasure of giving me my bottle! All in all, the news is good as I continue to make great strides towards better health!
Praise God for Answered Prayers.
Yay! :o)
You sure it wasn't from all of that softball....? Your daughter is beautiful...maybe a "Redwing"?
Jim Barrett
Kerry, drop me a note when you get some time...you look exactly the same!!!
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