Well, as many of you know, it has been a tough month at the Fitzgerald household. I've been awfully busy as usual but am finally getting around to filling you all in. Early in February, I developed pneumonia and after a failed course of antibiotics, I went back into the doctor for further testing. I met with an Occupational Therapist (friend of Mommy's) who watched me swallow under an X-ray and discovered I have been having troubles swallowing and ultimately my pneumonia was from "aspiration". Basicly this is a big word for food going down the wrong pipe! I would cough and sputter quite often while I was eating and we learned it was because it was going into my lungs. We met with a WONDERFUL team of really nice people at Mayo (Ear Nose and Throat specialists) who after placing a very uncomfortable camera through my nose and into my throat diagnosed me with Laryngomalacia. This is how you pronounce it "luh-RING-go-muh-LA-shuh." (Pretty big words I've been learning these days, huh?) Laryngomalacia is a condition that is present at birth and is basicly the softening of the larynx (my voice box.) Normally the tissues around the larynx are firm and keep food and liquids from entering the windpipe. In my case, these tissues are soft and floppy which is why I had been spitting up excessively since birth, have had choking spells, noisy breathing and troubles sleeping. I now take thickened food through a bottle and whoever is feeding me "paces" me so I don't eat too fast. I get a bit frustrated at times, because who wants to eat slow when they're hungry??? FORTUNATELY, I was started on medications and am feeling MUCH better these days. My swallowing continues to improve every day, I am sleeping soundly again, and I keep GROWING! I'm even starting to get chubby legs and cheeks :-) We have been told I will gradually improve day by day and should outgrow these symptoms by the time I am 12-18 months old! THANK GOODNESS! Through this all, Mimi graciously flew up from Oklahoma and has been staying with me while mommy and daddy have to work. We have had a wonderful visit for 3 weeks! Here are some pics! :-)
Me and Mimi!

Me and Mimi!
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