As you all know, we have been in hybernation over the past few months (a.k.a. mommy has been working WAY too much and we struggle to find the time to update this blog!) Mommy and I made a pact to get in the groove and start taking more pics and sharing.
What have we been up to???
In October, we had a visit from Grandma Judy...mommy and daddy had several date nights out. Grandma Judy celebrated her 64th birthday...only 1 more year until she can retire..woohoo! I dressed up like a green witch for Halloween and passed out candy to the neighborhood kids. I loved it!
November was a very special month. On the 2nd I celebrated my golden birthday. Mimi (Nov 3) and auntie Bridget (Nov 7) also had a birthday this month :) Mommy and daddy threw the best Caillou party and I had a TON of friends there! It was a blast!
December brought a LOT of snow, and a very special Christmas in Oklahoma. We had a wonderful visit w/Mimi, Poppie, and auntie Bridget. We played and played w/my new babies, passed out cookies, played w/puzzles, watched a ton of Caillou episodes, napped everyday, ate lots of great food, relaxed and had fun! The weather was even nice enough one day to take a trip to the park...I really enjoyed the slides.
January came quickly (HAPPY NEW YEAR!!), mommy celebrated her 36th birthday, and we spent the entire month locked up inside since the temp was below zero the majority of the time.
This new year is busy and exciting, I am growing SO tall, developing a HUGE vocabulary (watch what you say around me, I may repeat it!), I no longer require any thickened liquids, I have transitioned off of Elecare and drink rice milk now, I'm growing molars, I got an electric toothbrush which makes brushing a lot more fun, I am wearing pull-ups instead of diapers, I sleep in a big girl bed instead of a crib, I walk up the stairs without holding on, I know my ABC's, I can count to 13, I am learning my colors, I LOVE my puppies and my mommy and daddy, and I am HAPPY!!! :) Hope you all are doing well and are having a great new year!
My Caillou birthday party at Pump It Up!

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