Tuesday, May 27, 2008

18 weeks!

Another week just flying by. I turned 18 weeks yesterday! Head to rump, I am now about 5 1/2 inches long and I have gained 2 ounces, weighing me in at a whopping 7 ounces. I've heard that's about the size of a green pepper. :-) I occupy my day by flexing my arms and legs — movements that I'm trying to get mama to start noticing more and more. My blood vessels are visible through my thin skin and my ears are now in position and stand out from my head. Myelin (a protective covering) is beginning to form around my nerves, a process that will continue for a year after I'm born. Interestingly enough, If I'm a girl, my uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If I am a boy, my genitals are now noticeable! 9 days and counting until I reveal the goods! :-) We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Jon R said...

To Baby Fitzgerald; It's going to be a great day in October (or Nov)when we meet you! You are an extremely outstanding accomplishmt already! An extraordinary event is manifesting by the making of your divine creator. You are a Miracle! I can't believe that you are 18 weeks already and doing so well. You are like a passenger on a ship, & we know who's the pilot. No matter if you are made of gentleness or delicacy associated with the female sex or of the more masculine type. . . you will be a surprize to us all. The excitement that I feel for you, your mom and dad, can not be expressed in words God & you are the only ones who know you already, who you are, and who you are going to be. All of us are looking forward to meeting you. It is a pleasure to know you at such an early stage and know that you are well taken care of. . . to grow big & strong. This is an exciting time in all of our lives & you are recognized as a unique, very special person already! I will follow your updates & will be there to meet you when you arrive.
Love just beginning,
Grandpa, JHook